Release v5.10.0

Release Namev5.10.0
Release Date09 Dec 2020
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

Release Summary

This release updates the following modules:

  • Service Core: v5.10.0
  • Portal: v5.10.0
  • Smart UI v3.1.0

Feature Improvements

This release is primarily an internal bundle of stability improvements, user experience tweaks, and bug fixes. We wanted to ensure that the Christmas period was as stable and event free as possible for all our customers.

Functional Changes

Service Core Changes

  1. We've introduced a new field into the API check entityProfileResultObject response - "Recommended.Resolver". It's a simple workflow hint back to the caller to let them know who would be best to resolve any issues that are preventing the customer from moving to a PASS state.

    Possible values are:
    * CUSTOMER  (for ID related issues that it's best for the customer to review and supply updated information)
    * SUPPORT  (for when a member of your support team should review in the portal and assist with resolving, such as a duplicate hit or AML match).

Portal Changes

  1. We've enhanced the Biometric/OCR page to add new start/restart features that will allow you to not only push an SMS to the customer so they can restart the process, but also copy out an emailable link too for those having issues with older handsets.
  2. We've been continuing our portal improvements too, with a number of tweaks, such as re-ordering the medicare input fields to prevent data having to be re-entered twice when setting the card colour (a special shout out to Debashish Jagadeba for the suggestion. Thank you!)
  3. An often requested feature - being able to share a full link to an entity page with a colleague and having the link still work after you've logged in (rather than having to log in first, then click on the shared link).

Widget Changes

We've been hard at work improving the Smart UI experience, especially fixing issues with older handsets and ensuring the widest range of support possible. This is something we'll be constantly working on, so please let us know if you find issues - we're happy to do what we can to provide the best possible experience for your customers.

Bugs / Issues Addressed

  • Customer references now appear in all webhook notifications (it wasn't available in all callbacks)
  • The KYB manual search button would sometimes disappear when there were no matches with the ABR lookup.
  • Portal font loading speeds have been improved to stop the initial load showing up with serif fonts initially.
  • Re-orderered audit log entries for entities created in the portal to make it clearer what is happening.

Service Impacts

  • There are no performance impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.