Release v5.15.0

Release Namev5.15.0
Release Date04 Feb 2021
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

Release Summary

This release updates the following modules:

  • Service Core: v5.15.0
  • Portal: v5.15.0
  • Smart UI V2.7.1

Feature Improvements

We are pleased to announce the release of our next Know Your Business Report. You can now access an Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Report through our portal. 

Functional Changes


1.) As part of building out our KYB functionality, we have a UBO company report that can be ordered on a business. The new report option can be selected when you create a new Business Profile.

2.) To further improve Medicare pass rates we have provided a clear option on the portal that will ensure that you choose the correct middle name selection that is provided on a medicare card. Most medicare cards use middle initial only and submitting this for verification improves the likelihood of verification. 

3.) We continue to invest in improvements of the user experience on our Portal. In line with this, we have updated the styling of our profile section and introduced a new drag and drop feature for uploading documents. 

Smart UI

1.) Country Configuration: We have amended the configuration for Passport Countries. If you have set up the countries in the configuration then we will display those configured. If you leave this configuration as Null, we will provide a drop-down of all available countries. 

2.) Sit Tight Screen: We have enabled a new configuration on the widget that will allow you to remove all the wording on this screen if required so that you can transition to your own custom screens or pages without confusing the user. 

Service Impacts

  • There are no performance impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.