Release v5.7.0

Release Namev5.7.0
Release Date01 Nov 2020
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

Release Summary

This release updates the following modules:

  • Service Core: v5.7.0
  • Portal: 5.7.0
  • Smart UI v2.6.0

Major Feature - Frankie Fraud Lists

We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new set of fraud features around managing lists of information that you use to fight fraud and enforce business policies. Our new Frankie Fraud Lists provide you with the ability to identify and prevent fraud upfront . Fraud prevention can help protect your business from increasing fraud by using information lists to track and identify potential fraudulent enquiries. Frankie Fraud Lists allow you to add and manage both a Blocklist of confirmed fraud and a Watchlist of profiles and individual attributes that you consider risky. Each list comes with its own set of industry standard reason codes. 

A blocklist is a list of customer profiles or individual attributes such as mailing address, email or phone number that have been identified by you or your organisation as being fraudulent. Once a profile is added to your internal blocklist, new potential customers with matching information will be blocked from future attempts to onboard and open an account. 

A watchlist is similar in that it allows you to ‘flag’ or mark a customer/profile in your system to be watched closely as they are seen as potentially risky. This adds an extra risk factor to the customer’s risk score. The result of this will move the customer into a higher risk bracket, and therefore further checks may need to be run when changes are made to the customer’s profile.

Please fine below a list of articles that will help you navigate our Frankie Fraud Lists in order to load new blocklist or watchlist data and manage existing data. 

Add and remove an entire profile from your internal blocklist

Resolving a potential blocklist match

Adding and individual attribute to the internal blocklist

Managing your internal blocklist

What types of profiles and attributes can be added to the blocklist?

Adding profiles to the internal watchlist

Functional Changes

Service Core Changes

  1. Improvements to optimise load speeds with larger datasets. For those of you with a larger number of customers, we've been hard at work to improve the load speed of the Onboarding and Monitoring pages. we hope you can see the difference.

  2. The service can now support multiple document processing from the Onfido service. If you want to capture and check more than one document, the system will now allow you to do so and will compare all captured documents against the one selfie. 

    Contact [email protected] for more information about how to do this.

Portal Changes

  1. Business Profile Checks - We have refreshed the look and simplified the usability of running a check on a business. It will auto search the ABR for matching company names, but still allow you to enter a free form company name too.

    You'll also notice some additional buttons for new features that are coming soon, such as Ultimate Beneficial Owner and Company Extracts as well. Watch this space!

  2. The Biometric tab has had a makeover as part of our ongoing portal improvements. Also, we now cater for multiple documents being scanned and processed via Onfido.

  3. The Dashboard has been updated to provide further clarity on pass rate calculations

  4. Next and Previous navigation has been added to the PEP/Sanctions view to make it easier to move between and review potential matches.

  5. The Risk Score tab has had some of the entries simplified for clarity.

API Changes

There are no changes to the API - version remains at 1.5.0

Bugs / Issues Addressed

  1. Unverified Address Issue
    Under some circumstances, when an address was unchecked it was displaying as unverified instead. This how now been fixed and past address checks should also appear correctly as well.
  2. The Smart UI was not setting consent flags correctly. This has now been addressed
  3. Smart UI ID Detail Capture
    If you had pre-populated an entity with details and then attempted to start the Smart UI capture process, it would not ask for an ID (such as passport, etc) until the first check had failed. This has now been fixed and it will only skip the ID details request if you set "lazyIDcheck" to true (initially), or "requestID" to false.
  4. The Smart UI had been leaking styles. We addressed this in release 2.5.1 recently.

Service Impacts

  • Portal users with a large number of customers (> 30k) should see performance improvements on the Onboarding and Monitoring pages. Please let us know if you see any major changes.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.