Release v5.8.0

Release Namev5.8.0
Release Date29 Nov 2020
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

Release Summary

This release updates the following modules:

  • Service Core: v5.8.0
  • Portal: v5.8.0
  • Smart UI v2.6.3

Feature Improvements

With this Release you will now find an updated Audit log that ensures you have a clear view of all events on a profile that is easy to understand and navigate.  

We've also made a number of UX enhancements to the portal as part of our ongoing commitment to making the service cleaner and clearer to use with every release.

Functional Changes

Service Core Changes

  1. New Business Reports:
    We've enabled 2 new reports for our business checks service:

    Credit Score report:
    This returns a Creditorwatch credit score for now and the past 12 months

    Credit Report:
    This returns a Credit report listing any adverse findings on file against the company.

Portal Changes

  1. Address Autocomplete:
    In order to assist users to load new entities quickly and accurately, We now have an address autocomplete function when creating a new individual entity profile. 
  2. Next/Previous button for entity
    New feature for applicant Detail page, user can switch between entities easily using side arrows. 
  3.  Audit Display Log:
    We now have a new layout for the audit log that clearly shows who the user was that requested or actioned a change , what the change was, and when it happened.
  4. Entity Export Data via CSV
    You now have access to download a customer records CSV report which will be password protected and sent directly to the email associated with your portal account. 
  5. Resend Onfido Check
    If you are using the Onfido Biomteric service you now have the option to resend the check request to a customer mobile in order for them to rerun the check should the poor quality of the initial test have resulted in a fail.  This resend is initiated from the portal Biometrics page.

Widget Changes

  • New feature :  For our partial result screen when there is no ID and an Address, will now asks for a second address to be added if needed, instead of failing directly.

  • New events : on each loop, including all check results, applicant/entity and document details are pushed to the calling document.

API Changes

We've updated the API to version 1.5.1 to add new functionality for /business functions.

As per the rules of semantic versioning, full backwards compatibility is maintained.

  1. New Business Credit Report Service is available from Creditor Watch.
    This includes the Credit Score and Credit Report.

    See details here for more: Australian Business Function Overview  

Bugs / Issues Addressed

  1. Portal bug , we applied a fix where the uploaded document would disappear after updating the idType in documents. 
  2. IOS Bugfix where older Safari browsers wouldn't accept CORS header for allowed-headers with value "*"

Service Impacts

  • We've made further adjustments to the performance of the monitoring and onboarding pages. As before, you should see faster load times where you have a large number of customers to display.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.