Release v5.9.0

Release Namev5.9.0
Release Date02 Dec 2020
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

Release Summary

This release updates the following modules:

  • Service Core: v5.9.0
  • Portal: v5.9.0
  • Smart UI v3.0.0

Side Note: During the last week we are excited to announce that Frankie changed its name to FrankieOne in line with our vision to provide a unified solution through one pretty awesome platform. 

Feature Improvements

In this release you will see our PDF Audit Report layout change in line with the new Audit Log. We have also included a new feature on the Personal Details Tab to list what data set each element has been validated against with clear check source names returning a count. 

We also now support the ability to run multiple document checks through Onfido even when you are only verifying one document for KYC purposes. 

Functional Changes

Service Core Changes

  1. New International Business Reports:
    An International Business profile can be ordered from the Kyckr service via newGET /business/international/search and GET /business/international/profile API endpoints
  2. Check Class
    The class of each check is now reported in the entity profile results in each check result array member as check class. The check class can currently be one of the values: kyc, aml, fraud or none . This is specifically to allow the concept of a "KYC pass" to be worked out. If all the check result members with a KYC check Class have a Pass result then KYC is passed.

Portal Changes

  1. Audit PDF Report:
    The PDF report tracking audit details on an entity is now aligned to the new Audit log layout

  2. Personal Information/ KYC Details Tab improvements
    We now have a source count element on this tab to indicate the number of sources that data element has been validated against

  3. Improvements to existing Commercial entity profile searches using ABR

  4. Next/Previous buttons on entity profile view
    You can now quickly move through the list of customers without leaving the entity profile view. Try the next/previous arrows on the edge of the window to try it out

  5. Restart the Onfido document capture process from the portal
    You can now restart the document capture for those who's scanned images are not able to be processed. Try out the button in the Biometrics/OCR tab

  6. Chinese name transliteration check
    For those validating Chinese IDs, we now also support matching the original name on the document to its pinyin equivalent.

  7. Search for business names in the Onboarding and Monitoring lists using the search bar

    1. You can also add your customer reference number to company searches too.

There are dozens of additional small changes too as part of our continued efforts to make the portal easier to use.

Widget Changes

  • New feature :  The widget now supports the collection of two documents via Onfido. 

Bugs / Issues Addressed

  1. Onfido Widget , we applied a fix for Iphone Zoom and issues with icon sizes
  2. Blocklisting, we have fixed a bug around adding Medicare documents as a blocklist attribute
  3. VEVO Visa Expiry, we have implemented a fix around differentiating when a Visa has expired vs one that does not expire. 
  4. Check Results documents - We have removed Check Results documents from displaying in the personal KYC information Tab.
  5. Automatic Rerun of AML Checks Setting an AML match state was forcing the checks to re-run in some circumstances, not re-evaluate. This has now been fixed. 

We've also made dozens of small changes and fixes to the service. 

Service Impacts

  • We continue to make further adjustments to the performance of the monitoring and onboarding pages. As before, you should see faster load times where you have a large number of customers to display.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.