Release v6.0.1

Release Namev6.0.1
Release Date11 Mar 2021
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

This release updates the following modules:

Service Core: v6.0.1
Portal: v6.0.1

Feature Improvements

  1. New Document display in personal tab. This new display shows different pieces of information verified by the document. 

Service Core Changes

  1. Architectural improvements to continue to build efficiencies in our core system
  2. Improved Health Checks

Portal Changes

  1. You can now Archive and Unarchive a business profile. 
  2. New Email format for portal system emails such as Reset Password
  3. Update to allow you to enter an email address to send through the  CSV
  4. CSV change to track manual KYC actions for reporting and analytics purposes 

Bugs / Issues Addressed

  1. The request report in our dashboard on the portal will now allow you to add in an email address of the recipient 
  2. Fix the issue when authenticate by using a machine token from a child organization.
  3. Company profile searches and associated reports has had some minor improvements
  4. Fix Caution Label on the OCR report that was appearing when all details have passed. 
  5. Patch fix for unsupported phone number enum(please note this went out on the 12 March 2021)

Service Impacts

  • We continue to make further adjustments to the performance of the monitoring and onboarding pages. As before, you should see faster load times where you have a large number of customers to display.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.