Release v6.1.0

Release Namev6.1.0
Release Date25 Mar 2021
Release StatusCOMPLETED
CommentThis article has been migrated from a previous Knowledge management tool

This release updates the following modules:

Service Core: v6.1.0

Portal: v6.1.0
SmartUI: v2.8.0

Feature Improvements

  1. We have enhanced the portal audit trail to provide a better understanding of all actions taken on the profile, including sources of data and the channel the request came from. 
  2. FrankieOne Analytics - In an effort to continuously track and improve our analytical capability we have implemented our own logging and event tracking on our SmartUI. We will be in contact with you around accessing this data in a report for your particular implementation should you wish to see it. 

Service Core Changes

  1. New Business Report for Payment Predictor from Creditor Watch.

Portal Changes

  1. We recently updated Frankie Portal to display Tax ID details. You can now edit these details in the edit screen as well. 

  2. We have made the following enhancements to the Audit log displayed on the portal for each profile. 

    • We are logging more information around modifications of any ID document
    • Audit logs now include a list of failed searches under KYC Check Results section
    • Added channel to show how the KYC was triggered.
    • Initial steps to make logs more descriptive with better headings.

Bugs / Issues Addressed

  1. Allow configuration idScanVertification.useMobileDevice to pass through as a configuration. 
  2. Fix to clearly flag visas that are not verified. They were previously showing as expired. This will be corrected for existing data. 
  3. Amendments and Fixes to better handle ambiguous addresses. 

Service Impacts

  • We continue to make further adjustments to the performance of the monitoring and onboarding pages. As before, you should see faster load times where you have a large number of customers to display.
  • There are no known security impacts to the service through the introduction of these changes.