Release v6.14

Release Namev6.14
Release Date18 Nov 2021
Release StatusCOMPLETE

This Release updates the below modules

  1. Ongoing Monitoring for PEPs & Sanctions and/or Adverse Media Service
  2. Upgrade to Biometrics (Onfido) SDK

Main updates as follows

  1. Enabled ‘name variation’ matches as part of monitoring PEPs & Sanctions and Adverse media hits. This will increase frequency of ongoing hits
  2. Portal update to improve user experience
  3. Upgrade to Onfidos latest SDK to better handle large file sizes and apple browser format(s)

Name Variation

Enabling ‘name variation’ matches means that you will see more (and richer) PEPs & Sanctions and Adverse media hits for review.  So for example, “Jeffrey Henry Worboys” will now be matched with “Jeffrey Worboys”

Portal UI & UX updates

PEPs & Sanctions and Adverse media hits for customers who have already been onboarded (i.e. those in Monitoring tab) will now remain in the monitoring tab.


Understanding updates to the Monitoring tab

  1. You will now see any issues column within the “Monitoring” tab
  2. Any customers with a PEPs & Sanctions or Adverse media hit will have a corresponding issue tag
  3. Customer’s risk score card and status will also change in accordance with your exiting configuration

Resolving customers with a a PEPs & Sanctions or Adverse media hit

From the ‘Monitoring’ tab you can:

  1. click through to any profile of interest
  2. Navigate to the ‘PEPs/Sactions’ tab
  3. Mark hit as True or False Positive as appropriate (any changes will be tracked via the Audit Tab)
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