Release v6.24

Release Namev6.24
Release Date12 Apr 2022
Release StatusCOMPLETE

This Release updates the below modules

  1. Portal
  2. API

Main Updates As follows

KYB - Portal

  • On an existing Business entity, you can now associate any new or existing party, individual or company, to that entity as a new owner/officeholder.

    • These new owners/officeholders are classified as associated parties, and can be assigned a role type e.g. director, shareholder, trustee…
    • You can either leave them visible in the portal or hide them from the portal view
    • You can edit an added entity and change the roles chosen for them
    • You can remove an added entity from the Associated Parties section

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  •  Using the API on an existing entity, you can now associate any existing party, individual or company, to that entity as a new owner/officeholder.
  • Using the API on an existing entity, you can now create a new entity and subsequently associate any existing party, individual or company, to that entity as a new owner/officeholder in the same call.
  • Using the API the above associations can also be removed.

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