Review AML Results - Classify Matches as True Positive / False Positives

Given an individual has been screened for AML risk and there is a potential match with a risky entity, it is the responsibility of the business to review the hit and determine whether the individual being onboarded is the same person found during screening.

Step 1. Review the process results contained in the AML workflow step result of the workflow execution response. The most critical information to review is:

  • matchData to determine the details that were matched against.
  • mediaData - any source information if the matched individual had adverse media.
  • pepData - any source information if the matched individual is a PEP.
  • sanctionData - any source information if the matched individual is on a sanction list.
  • watchlistData - any source information if the matched individual is on a watchlist.
  • referenceDocs - any information that was gathered and utilised by the service provider to determine the individual as an AML risk.
	"endedAt": "2024-11-06T00:51:05.842007Z",  
	"objectId": "{objectId}",  
	"objectType": "INDIVIDUAL",  
	"processResults": \[  
			"class": "AML",  
			"createdAt": "2024-11-06T00:51:05.548873Z",  
			"entityId": "{entityId}",  
			"notes": {},  
			"objectType": "INDIVIDUAL",  
			"processResultId": "{processResultId}",  
			"providerResult": {  
				"confidence": {  
					"actual": "100",  
					"normalized": 100  
				"name": "Refinitiv",  
				"reference": "{referenceId}",  
				"source": "World-Check Risk Intelligence",  
				"sourceNormalized": "world-check risk intelligence"  
			"requestId": "{requestId}",  
			"result": "HIT",  
			"schemaVersion": 2,  
			"state": "COMPLETED",  
			"stepName": "AML",  
			"stepType": "pep_media",  
			"supplementaryData": {  
				"matchData": {  
					"countries": [  
							"code": "RUS",  
							"matchType": "RESIDENCE"  
					"isAlias": false,  
					"name": "RISKY INDIVIDUAL",  
					"spReferenceId": "{spReferenceId}",  
					"strength": 100  
				"mediaData": \[  
						"additionalData": \[],  
						"isCurrent": true,  
						"source": "War Crime",  
						"title": "",  
						"snippet": "Entities or persons accused of, investigated or arrested for, charged with or convicted of breaching legal conventions by committing any of the following acts against persons or protected property: (i) willful killing; (ii) torturing or treating inhumanly including biological experiments; (iii) willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health; (iv) extensively destructing and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; (v) compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power; (vi) depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial; (vii) deporting or transferring or unlawful confinement; (viii) taking hostages/prisoners of war; and (ix) committing other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law (including use of biological weapons/weapons of mass destruction)."  
						"additionalData": \[],  
						"isCurrent": true,  
						"source": "Human Rights Violation",  
						"title": "",  
						"snippet": "Human Rights Violation occurs when basic human rights and freedoms that fundamentally and inherently belong to a person or groups of individuals are violated or accusations of violations by state or non-state actors by denying, abusing or ignoring basic civil, political, cultural, social and economic rights, as well as breaching other international human rights or humanitarian law."  
				"pepData": \[],  
				"referenceDocs": [  
						"description": "reference.doc.0",  
						"url": ""  
						"description": "reference.doc.1",  
						"url": ""  
						"description": "reference.doc.2",  
						"url": ""  
						"description": "reference.doc.3",  
						"url": ""  
						"description": "reference.doc.4",  
						"url": ""  
				"sanctionData": \[  
						"additionalData": \[],  
						"countryCode": "RUS",  
						"countryName": "RUSSIAN FEDERATION",  
						"listingStart": "2013-03-21T13:41:11Z",  
						"referenceDocs": \[],  
						"sourceName": "RUSSIAN FEDERATION - FFMS - Federal Financial Monitoring Service"  
				"serviceProvider": "refinitiv",  
				"type": "AML",  
				"watchlistData": \[]  
			"systemStatus": "VALID",  
			"updatedAt": "2024-11-06T00:51:05.548873Z"  
	"requestId": "{requestId}",  
	"result": "HIT",  
	"risk": {...},  
	"schemaVersion": 2,  
	"serviceProviders": [...],  
	"startedAt": "2024-11-06T00:50:59.845509Z",  
	"stepName": "AML",  
	"stepResultId": "{stepResultId}",  
	"summary": {...}, 
	"workflowExecutionId": "{workflowExecutionId}"  

Step 2. Classify the match result as a false positive

Once the source information for a particular match has been reviewed and is deemed to be a false positive, an API request must be made to update the specific process result (PRO) to a false positive. This will prevent the same match from appearing in future screening requests and remove any related risk factors or issues related to it from appearing against the entity.

Here’s a sample request that can be used to update the AML process result from the previous workflow execution response to a false positive.

curl --location --globoff --request PATCH 'https://api.{{frankie-environment}}/v2/individuals/{entityId}/results/aml' \  
--header 'X-Frankie-CustomerID: {{X-Frankie-CustomerID}}'  
--header 'api_key: {API_KEY}'  
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
--data '{  
  "processResults": [  
  "manualStatus": "FALSE_POSITIVE"  

The process result will now be ignored when calculating risks and issues when re-running the workflow and will reflect the status as a false positive when being returned in future API requests:

"processResults": [  
	"class": "AML",  
	"createdAt": "2024-11-06T00:51:05.548873Z",  
	"entityId": "{entityId}",			  
	"manualStatus": "FALSE_POSITIVE",  
	"notes": {},  
	"objectType": "INDIVIDUAL",  
	"processResultId": "{processResultId}",  
	"providerResult": {...},  
	"requestId": "{requestId}",  
	"result": "HIT",  
	"schemaVersion": 2,  
	"state": "COMPLETED",  
	"stepName": "AML",  
	"stepType": "pep_media",  
	"supplementaryData": {...}  

Step 3. Classify a match result as a true positive

Once the source information for a particular match has been reviewed and is deemed to be a true positive, an API request must be made to update the specific process result (PRO) to a true positive.

Here’s a sample request that can be used to update the AML process result from the previous workflow execution response to a true positive.

curl --location --globoff --request PATCH 'https://api.{{frankie-environment}}/v2/individuals/{entityId}/results/aml' \ 
--header 'X-Frankie-CustomerID: {{X-Frankie-CustomerID}}'  
--header 'api_key: {API_KEY}'  
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
--data '{  
  "processResults": [  
  "manualStatus": "TRUE_POSITIVE"  

The process result will now reflect the status as a true positive when being returned in future API requests:

"processResults": [  
    "class": "AML",  
    "createdAt": "2024-11-06T00:51:05.548873Z",  
    "entityId": "{entityId}",			  
    "manualStatus": "TRUE_POSITIVE",  
    "notes": {},  
    "objectType": "INDIVIDUAL",  
    "processResultId": "{processResultId}",  
    "providerResult": {...},  
    "requestId": "{requestId}",  
    "result": "HIT",  
    "schemaVersion": 2,  
    "state": "COMPLETED",  
    "stepName": "AML",  
    "stepType": "pep_media",  
    "supplementaryData": {...}  