Release 24.Q2.OneSDK-003

Release Name24.Q2..OneSDK-003
Release Date30 May 2024
Release StatusCOMPLETE
Read the details

The FrankieOne platform is constantly evolving to deliver better products and services to our customers. This release includes some of the latest enhancements and updates that we have made to improve your experience with our platform, as well as fixes to issues previously encountered.
The following changes are included in this release of the FrankieOne platform.

OneSDK Enhancements



  • You can now limit the country and document type in the OCR header.
  • Custom UI is now exposed for easier customization.
    Individual Module: The entityProfile is now accessible for use.


Mock Mode: Issues with exit/error functionality have been resolved.

Hosted OneSDK Updates


Loading Spinner: The problem with the loading spinner not working has been fixed.