Release 24.Q2.OneSDK-004

Release Name24.Q2.OneSDK-004
Release Date27 June 2024
Release StatusCOMPLETE
Read the details

The FrankieOne platform is constantly evolving to deliver better products and services to our customers. This release includes some of the latest enhancements and updates that we have made to improve your experience with our platform, as well as fixes to issues previously encountered.
The following changes are included in this release of the FrankieOne platform.

Introducing OneSDK Onboarding Forms

We are thrilled to announce that in 2024 we are launching our new OneSDK Onboarding Forms, to replace Smart UI.

OneSDK Onboarding Forms was developed through insight and feedback from valued clients, like yourself. We are confident that it will yield substantial benefits for both your organisation and your end-users, delivering a faster experience that is not only superior but also more cost-effective, and enables:

Better outcomes

  • Improved Pass Rates (5-10%+ uplift)
  • 2X Faster Onboarding with Biometrics-first
  • Capability to conduct A/B testing of screens
  • OneSDK Analytics to track user behaviour

More flexibility

  • Modular forms for easy UX optimisation, facilitating rapid deployment of new designs in less than a day
  • Availability of our Hosted OneSDK, managed by FrankieOne, facilitating seamless improvements and patches directly to you without involving your engineers
  • Future access to our Business Onboarding Forms