Data Source Codes

This list of data source codes covers the many different sources we check when verifying an identity.

As a general rule, one code will map to a single datasource. However in many cases, a data source can represent a number of combined sources. Where possible we list these individually.

CountrySource ID CodeDescription
BUILTINbuiltinFrankieOne Internal
MANUAL_OVERRIDEmanual_overrideManual Override
AUau-efax-cdh-commercialEquifax Commercial Credit Data Header
AUau-efax-cdh-consumerEquifax Consumer Credit Data Header
AUau-efax-cdh-pubEquifax Public Credit Data Header
AUau-efax-fraud-addressEquifax Fraud - Address
AUau-efax-fraud-dlEquifax Fraud - Drivers Licence
AUau-efax-fraud-phoneEquifax Fraud - Phone
AUau-efax-fraud-pportEquifax Fraud - Passport
AUau-efax-fraud-velocityEquifax FraudCheck - Velocity
AUau-efax-phoneEquifax Proprietary Phone Directory
AUau-elec-rollAustralian Electoral Roll
AUau-elec-roll-histAustralian Electoral Roll - Historical
AUau-expn-cdh-commercialExperian Commercial Credit Data Header
AUau-gdc-commercial1GDC Commercial database (multiple sources) 1
AUau-gdc-commercial2GDC Commercial database (multiple sources) 2
AUau-gdc-commercial7GDC Commercial Database (multiple sources) 7
AUau-govid1Australian Government ID
AUau-govid1-bcAustralian Gov ID - Birth Certificate
AUau-govid1-conAustralian Gov ID - Certificate of Name Change
AUau-govid1-ctlAustralian Gov ID - Centrelink Card
AUau-govid1-ctznAustralian Gov ID - Citizenship
AUau-govid1-dlAustralian Gov ID - Drivers Licence
AUau-govid1-immiAustralian Gov ID - Immigration Card
AUau-govid1-mcAustralian Gov ID - Marriage Certificate
AUau-govid1-mediAustralian Gov ID - Medicare Card
AUau-govid1-ppAustralian Gov ID - Passport
AUau-govid1-visaAustralian Gov ID - Visa Check
AUau-govid2Australian Gov ID - Alt Source
AUau-govid2-bcAustralian Gov ID - Alt Source - Birth Certificate
AUau-govid2-dlAustralian Gov ID - State Direct Source - Drivers Licence
AUau-govid2-mcAustralian Gov ID - Alt Source - Medicare Card
AUau-govid2-ppAustralian Gov ID - Alt Source - Passport
AUau-ntdAustralian National Tenancy Database
AUau-phone-pubAustralian Public Phone Directory
AUau-phone-scanned-dirAustralian Scanned Phone Directory
AUau-vevoAustralian VEVO
FFff-blacklistInternal Blocklist
FFff-idvalidationFrankie ID Validation
FFff-manualkycManual KYC
ARar-afipAFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos)
ATat-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
ATat-consumer1Consumer DB 1
ATat-cdh-commercialCredit Header Data.
BEbe-cham-comChamber of Commerce
BEbe-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
BEbe-commercial1Commercial Activity Database
BEbe-consumer1Consumer Database (Govt Sources)
BEbe-consumer2Consumer Database (Commercial)
BEbe-bankruptcyBankruptcy Database
BEbe-phone1Phonebook Data
BEbe-phone2Mobile Phone Data
BRbr-veh-regoVehicle Registration
BRbr-rec-fedReceita Federal
BRbr-elecrollElectors Database
BRbr-retireesRetiree Registry
BRbr-city-jobCity Employee Databases
BRbr-fed-jobFederal Employee Databases
BRbr-military-jobMilitary Employee Databases
BRbr-susSistema Único de Saúde (SUS)
BRbr-elem-schoolPublic Elementary School
BRbr-commercial1E-Com Activity Database
BRbr-commercial2Commercial Activity Database
BRbr-electricElectric Company
BRbr-chdCredit Header Data
BRbr-telco-landLandline Telco
BRbr-telco-mobile1Mobile Telco 1
BRbr-telco-mobile2Mobile Telco 2
BRbr-telco-mobile3Mobile Telco 3
CAca-chdCredit Header Data
CAca-telcoPhonebook Database
CAca-commercial1Commercial Database
CHch-commercial1Commercial Database
CHch-consumer1Consumer Database
CHch-chdCredit Header Data
CLcl-nisNational Institute of Statistics
CNcn-bankcardChina Bank Card
CNcn-nationalidChina National ID
CNcn-unionpayChina Unionpay
CNcn-phoneChina National Phone
COco-daneNational Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE)
CZcz-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
CZcz-biz-registerBusiness Registries
DEde-gov2Government Databases
DEde-consumer1Consumer Database 1
DEde-consumer2Consumer Database 2
DEde-cdh-public1Public Credit Credit Data 1
DEde-cdh-public2Public Credit Credit Data 2
DKdk-cprCPR Register
DKdk-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
DKdk-consumer1Consumer Database
ESes-gov-pubPublic Gov Database
ESes-aeatAgencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT)
ESes-censusCensus and Borme Database
ESes-telco1Commercial Phonebook Database
ESes-deceasedDeceased Notices
ESes-sgdaSGDA Database
FIfi-vrkPopulation Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus, VRK)
FIfi-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
FIfi-consumer1Conumer and Public Register
FIfi-tecoPhonebook Database.
FRfr-rego-consumerConsumer & Car Registration
FRfr-commercial1Commercial Activity Database 1
FRfr-commercial2Commercial Activity Database 2
FRfr-consumer1Consumer Database 1
FRfr-consumer2Postal Service & Consumer
FRfr-consumer3Consumer Database 3
FRfr-consumer4Consumer Database 4
FRfr-telco1Phonebook & Loyalty Database
FRfr-telco2Phonebook Database
FRfr-postalPostal Service (La Poste)
GBgb-rolling-elecrollRolling Register of the Electoral Roll
GBgb-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
GBgb-elecrollElectoral Roll
GBgb-regtrustRegistry Trust
GBgb-propscotProperty Ownership Registers of Scotland.
GBgb-insolvancyInsolvency Service Database
GBgb-company-houseCompanies House Shareholder File
GBgb-expn-chdCredit Header Data (Experian UK)
GBgb-consumer1Consumer Database 1
GBgb-telco-landPhonebook Database - Landline
GBgb-telco1Telco Database 1
GBgb-telco2Telco Database 2
GBgb-telco3Telco Database 3
GBgb-telco4Telco Database 4
GIgi-telcoTelco Database 1
HKhk-propertyProperty Records
HKhk-chdCredit Header Data
IDid-nationalid-residentIndonesia Resident Id Card
IEie-gov-dbGovernment Databases
INin-dlIndia Drivers Licence
INin-nationalid-epicIndia National ID - EPIC
INin-nationalid-panIndia National ID - PAN
KHkh-consumer1Cambodia Consumer Data
ITit-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
ITit-chamcomChamber of Commerce
ITit-housingHousing and Real Estate Registry
ITit-protestiProtesti (Court Registers)
ITit-phonePhonebook Database
ITit-consumer1Consumer Database 1
ITit-elecElectric Utilities
ITit-chdCredit Header Data
ITit-antifraudCommercial Credit Data
ITit-telco-landPhonebook - Landline
KEke-citizenGovernment Citizenship Data
LUlu-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
LUlu-telcoPhonebook Database
MXmx-gov-dbGovernment Data
MXmx-propertyProperty and Commercial Database
MXmx-mediaMedia Database
MYmy-credit1Malaysia Credit Bureau
MYmy-nationalidMalaysia National ID
NGng-govid-dlDriver's License Data
NGng-govid-nimcNational Identity Management Commission
NGng-govid-idNational ID database
NGng-govid-bioBiometric Verification Database
NGng-bankNigeria Bank Account Verification
NLnl-kadasterKadaster (Gov Property Registry)
NLnl-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
NLnl-commercial1Commercial Database 1
NLnl-commercial2Commercial Database 2
NLnl-consumer1Consumer Database 1
NLnl-credcheckCredit Check Database
NLnl-chd-commercialCredit and COmmercial Data
NLnl-telcoPhonebook Database
NOno-consumer1Consumer Database 1
NOno-telco1Phonebook Database
NZnz-companies-officeNew Zealand Companies Registry
NZnz-cx-smartidCentrix SmartID (Comprehensive Bureau check)
NZnz-cx-smartidliteCentrix SmartID Lite (Bureau check)
NZnz-cx-consumer1Centrix Consumer Database
NZnz-cx-energyaccountNew Zealand Retail Energy Account
NZnz-cx-creditbureau1New Zealand Credit Bureau (Centrix)
NZnz-cx-creditacc1New Zealand Credit Account (Centrix)
NZnz-cx-creditaccbankNew Zealand Credit Account - Bank (Centrix)
NZnz-cx-creditaccutilNew Zealand Credit Account - Utility (Centrix)
NZnz-cx-creditaccfinNew Zealand Credit Account - Finance (Centrix)
NZnz-cx-creditaccbnplNew Zealand Credit Account - BNPL (Centrix)
NZnz-diaNew Zealand Gov ID
NZnz-efx-idplusEquifax New Zealand IdentityPlus
NZnz-dia-dlNew Zealand Drivers Licence (DIA)
NZnz-dia-ppNew Zealand Passport (DIA)
NZnz-dia-birthNew Zealand Birth Registration (DIA)
PHph-nationalidPhilippines National ID
PLpl-chd-commercialCredit and Commercial Database
PTpt-ec-viesEuro Commission VIES
PTpt-consumer1Consumer Database 1
PTpt-consumer2Consumer Database 2
PTpt-telcoPhonebook Database
SEse-sparSPAR Register
SEse-consumer1Consumer Database 1
SEse-consumer2Consumer Database 2
SGsg-chdCredit Header Data
SKsk-businessGovernment Business Register
THth-nationalidThailand National ID
USus-schoolSchool Data
USus-commercial1Mobile, Utility and Credit Databases
USus-commercial2Credit, Voter, Property Databases
USus-commercial3Government, Credit, Proprietary Databases
VNvn-nationalidVietnam National ID
VNvn-socialsecurityVietnam Social Security