(AUS Only) Run Report(s) against a new or existing organisation entity and produce a PDF formatted document.

NOTE: Australian companies ONLY.

Create or find and update an ORGANISATION type entity, then run the requested reports.
Reports include:

  • Credit Report
  • Credit Score
  • Payment Predictor

At a minimum, you just need to supply an ACN and/or ABN and an entity type set to ORGANISATION. Alternatively the entity ID of an existing ORGANISATION entity gan be given in the request body

Note: these reports are different to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner and Business Detail requests - these reports are independent data and analysis over and above company information and verification details.

You can request multiple reports to be run at once and they will be returned as a group.

If a PDF report is requested then that report will be generated over time, so a temporary response with only the JSON reports will be returned and a webhook notification will be pushed later once the PDF report has been completed.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!