Adding profiles to the internal watchlist

What is an Internal Watchlist?

An internal watchlist allows you to flag or mark a customer/profile in your system as Watchlisted.

This adds an extra risk factor to the customer’s risk score. The result of this will move the customer into a higher risk bracket, and therefore further checks may need to be run when changes are made to the customer’s profile.

Add a profile to the Watchlist

  1. Open the profile of the person you would like to add to your internal watchlist.

  2. On the Overview tab, click and select Add to watchlist from the dropdown.

  3. Select a Reason for watchlist, add a comment and confirm add to watchlist.

Add a profile to the watchlist when marking a potential blocklist match as false positive.

A profile can also be added to the watchlist when marking a potential blocklist match as a false positive. The blocklist reason will be automatically set as Previously blocklisted.