Version Log

Version tagDescriptionRelease date
v4.15.5For biometrics checks we've fixed the issue where biometrics checks were running after duplicate or blocklist checks.03 June 2024
v4.14.4The user experience for entering customer address have been improved to avoid incorrectly entering information resulting to incorrect checks being performed.10 May 2024
v4.14.3We’ve addressed an issue related to editing addresses in SmartUI.11 April 2024
v4.14.2A hotfix was applied to resolve an issue where iOS users encounter an error related to screen orientation.08 March 2024
v4.14.1Applied a fix to improve user experience when a no match result is received on subsequent attempts, if the failureScreen config is set to false.21 Feb 2024
v4.14We’ve fixed inconsistencies in the user interface to ensure a smoother experience.

Additionally, the driver’s license image guide to has been updated to make it more user-friendly.
12 Dec 2023
v4.13Removing configuration breaking change from v4.12. Instead, Drivers licence configuration acceptedCountries now accepts any country, not only NZL and AUS. Other countries will display a generic screen for DL.20 Jun 2023
v4.12Adding support for New Zealand drivers licence. Validation may be a breaking change for some. See here.23 May 2023
v4.11Updated Australian Driver License Card Number instructions for Victoria (VIC) to accurately instruct users where to find their Card Number when using Smart UI

Updated default consent language in Smart UI to align it with recommendations from our data source partners and legal advisors
27 Apr 2023
v4.10Fixed Country of Issue field dropdown height and width issue in Smart UI31 Jan 2023
v4.9Enabled additional supporting document types in Smart UI. Updated list can be found here.
From 19 December 2022, the card number on an Australian Drivers Licence (DL) will be a mandatory verification field for VIC issued licences.
13 Dec 2022
v4.8.1We have enhanced Smart UI to support device & customer behavioural biometrics Fraud checks at the time of customer onboarding. This feature is optional.7 Nov 2022
v4.8From 27 October 2022, the card number on an Australian Drivers Licence (DL) will be a mandatory verification field for QLD issued licences.27 Oct 2022
v4.7From 1 September 2022, the card number on an Australian Drivers Licence (DL) will be a mandatory verification field for NSW, ACT, SA, TAS, NT and WA-issued licences.01 Sept 2022

- Onfido Widget is updated to use the latest Onfido Web SDK version (8.1.0)

- Added support for Australian Drivers Licence card number (NSW, ACT, SA, TAS, WA and NT). From 1 September 2022, the card number on a driver licence (DL) will be a mandatory field for NSW, ACT, SA, TAS, WA and NT issued licences. Customers can now additionally enter the card number on the screen (Optional input).Patches- Fix deployed to resolve duplicate entities being created via Smart UI and KYT service
20 July 2022

- New generic images National ID for all countries except Australia, Thailand, Singapore and IndonesiaBugfix

- ACT option hidden in Australian addresses- Improving responsiveness of Date of birth type toggles
05 May 2022
Buddhist date of birth with no day and month (year only)
Adding Buddhist / Gregorian toggle when configured calendar is Buddhist

Adding missing phrases to DOB toggle and loading verification page
Correct validation for leap years in the Buddhist calendar
16 March 2022
Patches on
22 March 2022 and
21 April 2022
_ Specific acceptedCountries configuration for address and documents.

_ The configured document uploads are now requested when preloading the applicant.


- Adding Hotjar as a third-party behavior analytics tool with hidden PII.
16 February 2022
Analytics on 02 March 2022
New loading screen
New error screens
Adding more data to event payloads (applicant details and document list)
Consent text update

Preloading now requests for address and date of birth if they are missing.
Fixing missing Singapore National ID image.
Fixing breaking change in flow for Indonesia.
replacing Thai characters with English in default Phrases file.

- Make postal code mandatory.
31 January 2022
Accepts FrankieOne entityId for preloading entity.
Preloads entity recipe/check profile, if Smart UI is configured as "auto".
13 December 2021
Bundle size-reduction
Improved error handling, lower noise of trivial errors
Images moved to CDN
Supporting Documents Upload
See Smart UI Configuration for more details
_ Migrating v3 to v4 ]

Breaking Change:
_ Digital license is opt-in, previously was always enabled

- Content Security Policies need to be updated to allow our image CDN
Migrating v3 to v4
9 December 2021

- AUTO height and width. See Smart UI Configuration for more details
26 August 2021
Custom document types + click event
Fixing broken extra address form
Fixing clickable back button when it shouldn’t be
Fixing unwanted URL changes when clicking some buttons
Fixing loops logic
Fixing multiple bugs
15 June 2021
Patches on 20 July 2021
Jump to document
Save Only

- Default welcome screen displays the configurable age range
03 June 2021
Shadow DOM Scoped Styles.
Id Scan Verification opt in. New feature "Liveness".
UI redesign and UX improvements.
03 May 2021
v2.11Logging events for FrankieOne analytics (no third party) and fixing some edge cases involving address when preloading applicant data25 March 2021
v2.10Configuration idScanVerification.useMobileDevice to enforce id scan verification to run on mobile device19 March 2021
v2.9Configuration disableThirdPartyAnalytics, to disable analytics data sent to external services
Fixed hard coded minimum age on the welcome screen
23 February 2021
v2.8Configuration phrases , allowing customization of all text on Smart UI08 February 2021