Customer Reference Number

If a reference number/customer identifier is to be stored with an entity, then you can use the customer_reference KVP. You do need to follow the KVP field rules below for it to work correctly.

But once it's in, the customer_reference KVP can then be used as a search key in the /search API call.

customer_referenceid.externalAny value unique to your organisationThis is your own corporate ID for the entity. We will create an index on this value and it will be displayed in the portal as “Customer ID”.

Note: If you supply any other KvpKey with a KvpType of id.external we will also index that too, but it won’t be displayed on the portal.


KvpType is Critical

Normally the KvpType is optional, but in this case, if you want your reference number to be indexed, then you MUST set it to id.external

Below is a sample payload where an entity will be created with the customerreference: **_frankie-customer-01**

	"entity": {
		"entityProfile": "safe_harbour",
		"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
		"name": {
			"familyName": "TESTFamilyName",
			"givenName": "TESTGivenName"
		"dateOfBirth": {
			"dateOfBirth": "1960-01-01"
        "identityDocs": [
                "country": "AUS",
                "idType": "DRIVERS_LICENCE",
                "idNumber": "85544842",
                "region": "VIC",
                "extraData": [
                        "kvpKey": "document_number",
                        "kvpValue": "21631234"
		"addresses": [
                "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL1",
                "country": "AUS",
                "postalCode": "2761",
                "state": "NSW",
                "streetName": "TEST Buckwell",
                "streetNumber": "176",
                "streetType": "Drive",
                "town": "HASSALL GROVE",
                "unitNumber": "2"
		"extraData": [
				"kvpKey": "consent.general",
				"kvpValue": "true",
				"kvpType": "general.bool"
				"kvpKey": "",
				"kvpValue": "true",
				"kvpType": "general.bool"
				"kvpKey": "customer_reference",
				"kvpValue": "frankie-customer-01",
				"kvpType": "id.external"