
The Retry screen provides users a chance to review (and rectify, if necessary) the information submitted. The retry screen basically takes users through the previous screens and review the information to see if they are correct and try another attempt.

Default Retry screen

Review screen.

Retry screen.

Retry screen contains some extra logic that automatically asks for additional information, depending on the check results and also whether the user changes any details or not:

Request for previous address

If KYC check was a partial match and upon retry the user doesn't change any of the personal details, then the retry flow asks for a previous address to make sure a correct residential address gets submitted for verification to increase the pass rate.

Request for additional ID

If KYC check was a Pass but ID check failed, and the user doesn't change any of the ID details, then the retry flow asks for an additional ID to ensure a valid ID gets submitted to increase the pass rate.


The configuration of the retry screen includes the following:

nameThe name of the screen you want to loadname: RETRY
typeThe type of the flow to be used. In this use case, it needs to be "manual"type:"manual"

Retry screen will automatically fetch the configuration of the previous screens and apply when rendering those screens.

Sample code

You need to load the first retry upon receiving a failure result after Review screen. For the subsequent attempts, once you get to the result screen on the second attempt, you can then load retry again, and you can control how many times you want the user to retry. The example below will allow up to 2 re-try attempts on top of the main attempt (total 3):

const retry = oneSdk.component("form", {
  name: "RETRY",
  type: "manual",

let count = 0;
review.on("form:result:partial", async () => {
  if (count < 2)
    //Use Result screen to show an error message



Event nameDescriptionArguments
form:retry:loadedUpon loading the Retry screen, this event gets triggeredinputInfo: {type:'manual'}

UI Customisation

Styling customisation

You can use the following classes to customise the styling for different elements of the page. These CSS classes apply to the common elements across all the screens. If you want to customise a specific page, you can use the above configuration options to overwrite it.

ItemCSS Class
Page containerff-form-wrapper

The following code shows you how to style a specific element on the page, in this example the button's background color will be green, instead of the default blue.