Import Using a Single KVP

The single KVP key is checks with type raw.json.base64 and the value being a base64 encoded (standard encoding, not URL) JSON array of objects. Each object will define a separate check result.

The same check results as described in the Multiple KVP page would in this case be imported with:

    "addresses": [
            "country": "AUS",
            "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL1"
            "country": "AUS",
            "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL2"
    "identityDocs": [
            "extraData": [
                    "kvpKey": "checks",
                    "kvpType": "raw.json.base64",
                    "kvpValue": "WwogICB7CiAgICAgICJzb3VyY2UiIDogImZvbyIsCiAgICAgICJ0eXBlIiA6ICJuYW1lIgogICB9LAogICB7CiAgICAgICJpbmRleCIgOiAxLAogICAgICAic291cmNlIiA6ICJiYXIiLAogICAgICAidHlwZSIgOiAiYWRkcmVzcyIKICAgfQpdCg=="
            "idType": "CHECK_RESULTS",
            "country": "AUS"
    "dateOfBirth": {
        "dateOfBirth": "1920-01-02",
        "yearOfBirth": "1920"
    "name": {
        "displayName": "John Smith"
Where the decoded JSON would be:
      "source" : "foo",
      "type" : "name"
      "index" : 1,
      "source" : "bar",
      "type" : "address"