
The Consent screen details the purpose and use of the personal information being collected. It provides a link to the Privacy Policy of the organisation. It also contains the option to confirm consent and proceed with the onboarding process.

Default Consent screen

Consent screen.

Consent screen.


Use the following table to learn more about configuration options for the Consent screen.

nameThe name of the screen you want to loadname: "CONSENT"
typeThe type of flow to be used. In this use case, it needs to be ocr. type: "ocr"
titleTitle of the page.
The default is "Your consent matters".
title: {label: "<Your_TITLE>", style: {'ff-title': {}}}
labelThe text to be displayed in the title
styleThe styling of the title for this specific page that overrides the general styling
descriptions[]An array of labels/texts for the consent notice and guidelines to be displayed on the page.descriptions: [{label: "", style: {}}, {label: "", style: {}}]
labelThe text to be displayed
styleThe styling for this specific label that overrides the general stylingff-description
checkboxThe checkbox information to be displayed on the bottom of the page.
styleThe styling of the checkbox for this specific pageff-checkbox
content[]An array of texts, describing the action to be taken when the call-to-action (CTA) button is selected.
The default is:
"I have read and agree to the above disclosure."
content: [{label: }, {label: }]\
labelThe label to be displayed in front of each checkbox
ctaThe button.cta: {label: "", style: {'ff-button':{backgroundColor: "red"}}}
labelThe text to be displayed on the button. By default, this is: "Continue"

Sample code

const form_welcome = oneSdk.component("form", {
  name: "CONSENT",
  type: "ocr",
  descriptions: [
    { label: 'This is a sample dynamic page.', style: {} },
    { label: 'It can contain multiple paragraphs.', style: {} },
  checkBox: {
  cta: {lable: "Next", style: {'ff-button':{backgroundColor: "green"}}}


Event nameDescriptionArguments
form:consent:loadedinputInfo: {type:'ocr'}
form:consent:readyUpon clicking on the button, this event will be triggered, and you can listen to it to load another screen.inputInfo: {type:'ocr'}
form:consent:failednputInfo: {type:'ocr'}, message?: string

Styling customisation

You can use the following classes to customise the styling for different elements of the page. These CSS classes apply to the common elements across all the screens. If you want to customise a specific page, you can use the above configuration options to overwrite it.

ItemCSS Class

The following code shows you how to style a specific element on the page, in this example the button's background color will be green, instead of the default blue.

    #<you_div_container> .ff-button {
      background-color: green;