OneSDK - Individual Details

FrankieOne customers can use OneSDK for their KYC requirements. OneSDK replaces the need for customers to work with multiple service providers by creating an interface for integrating with different vendors consistently.

The following sections will help you setup OneSDK for your KYC implementation needs.

Capturing details from an individual

Each instance of OneSDK is initialized with a session that is associated with the user being onboarded. The user may already be represented by an Entity object in the FrankieOne platform, or it may be a new user that isn't known to FrankieOne yet. When initializing OneSDK with an existing entity, OneSDK will load any information that was previously submitted, allowing you to build continuous application experiences across multiple user sessions.

Initialize OneSDK for a new user

For onboarding a new user, you can allocate a unique customer reference when creating a session object. This customer reference will be linked to the new entity created on the FrankieOne platform.

The following example creates a session object for a user using a customer reference.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: machine $ENCODED_CREDENTIAL"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "permissions": {
      "preset": "one-sdk",
      "reference": "YOUR_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE",

Initialize OneSDK for an existing user

You can also create an entity in FrankieOne upfront, and use the entity ID to create the session.


curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: machine $ENCODED_CREDENTIAL"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "permissions": {
      "preset": "one-sdk",
      "entityId": "ENTITY_ID_FROM_FRANKIE_ONE",

Access the user's information

Obtain the individual object from the OneSDK instance you initialised.

const config = { 
  dummy: true // remove this in production
const oneSdk = await OneSdk(config);
const individual = oneSdk.individual();

Personal information about the user can be accessed using the access(fieldName) method. This method returns a handler to get access to the given field.

Get and set values

You can obtain a getter and setter for each field using the individual.access(fieldName) method.

The following example obtains the name field getter and setter, then updates the values.

const { getValue, setValue } = individual.access('name');

// Get the current values
const { givenName, familyName } = getValue()

// Update the user with new values
  givenName: "Albert",
  familyName: "Einstein",
  middleName: "J" 

Subscribe to changes

The access(fieldName) method also returns an RXJS.Observable object that allows you to subscribe to changes to the field's value for building reactive applications.

const { observable } = individual.access("name");
observable.subscribe(newName => {
  // update your interface with the new value

All fields

The supported fields you can get access to are:

Field nameDescription
'name'{ givenName, middleName, familyName }
'consentsGiven'Array of consent keywords string[] that need to be provided before submission
'addresses'Array of Address objects associated with the individual. See table below.
'documents'ocrResult?: {Described later}, scans: Scan[] }`

Address object:


Document object:

extraDataHash of document specific fields.
ocrResultOCRResult object (optional)
scansArray of Scan objects

OCRResult object:

The OCRResult object contains the data extracted from a document image. It includes fixed and variable properties depending on the extracted data.

Fixed properties:


Variable properties:

The OCRResult object will vary based on what was extracted. For example:

  documentTypeInternal: "DRIVERS_LICENCE",  
  dateOfExpiry: "2031-05-28",  
  dateOfIssue: "2021-05-28",  
  documentType: "DRIVERS_LICENCE",  
  documentNumber: "999999999",  
  dateOfBirth: "1990-01-01",  
  issuingCountry: "AUS",  
  state: "VIC",  
  postcode: "3000",  
  town: "Melbourne",  
  street: "80 Collins Street",  
  firstName: "PETER",  
  lastName: "TESTTHIRTEEN",  

The Scan object:

The Scan object represents the scan details of the captured document.

side'F' or 'B'
scanCreatedDateTime string

Submit changes to an individual's details

When you update the details of an individual using OneSDK, the changes are stored locally but are not submitted automatically.

Use the submit() method to persist the details in the FrankieOne platform.

await individual.submit();

Verify an individual



Make sure you have captured consent from user before submit and verify. You would need to add consent to the individual object as follows:


You may also request checks to be run with the optional parameter { verify: true }. The submit method will return a CheckSummary object in this case.

const checkResults = await individual.submit({
  verify: true

The CheckSummary object

This object contains the results of different checks. More complete details can be retrieved via direct API calls.

checkTypesstring[]An array of strings describing the types of checks that were performed.
statusobjectAn object describing the entity's overall status.
status.type'failed', 'passed', 'fail_manual', 'pass_manual', 'refer', 'wait', 'unchecked', 'archived' or 'inactive'
riskobjectAn object containing the risk level.
risk.levelnumberThe entity's overall risk level.
alertListArray of Issue objects.
checkCounts.nameArray of Source
checkCounts.dobArray of Source
checkCounts.addresskey is an address ID and each value is the address check count.
checkCounts.address[addressId]Array of Source
checkCounts.documentkey is a document ID and each value is the document check count.
checkCounts.document[documentId]Array of Source
personalChecks.nameboolean | null
personalChecks.dateOfBirthboolean | null
personalChecks.phoneNumberboolean | null
personalChecks.emailboolean | null
personalChecks.addressesobjectA hash, where each key is an address ID and each value is the address check result.
personalChecks.addresses[addressId]boolean | null

The Issue object

The issue object represents an issue found during the entity verification process.

type'warning', 'alert', 'success', 'action'
term'404', 'partial', 'duplicate'A short word used to describe the issue. One of '404', 'partial', 'duplicate'

Set Entity profile recipe before verifying an individual

You can set the Entity profile recipe before verifying an individual after initialising. To do so, add the following code:

const individual = onesdk.individual();  

To set the profile types, use the following code,


where ProfileTypeEnumerated consists of:
