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Learn how to evaluate customer activity for fraud.

This tutorial will walk through how to monitor a customer's device activity and financial transactions for fraud.


FrankieOne can assist with evaluating fraud. You can install OneSDK to gather device intelligence and behaviour biometrics as part of this process to enable monitoring of non-financial activity such as a Login event.

Learn how to evaluate device characteristics and behavioural biometrics during user registration using OneSDK here.


Account configuration required

Device activity, Behavioural biometrics and Financial transaction monitoring must be configured for your account by FrankieOne. Please speak with your Customer Success representative if you are interested in this feature.

Step 1: Evaluate device fraud during a customer login

The OneSDK will gather device intelligence and behaviour biometrics on the user's device. You can evaluate activity such as login events for fraud using this information.

Use the Check API to evaluate an activity for fraud risk. You do not need to pass any device information to the API since it is already associated with the device session via the OneSDK process. You can use the same API for evaluating financial activities for fraud risk.

Specify the customer's reference as defined by your system in the customer.customerId field.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Frankie-CustomerID: YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID' \
     --header 'api_key: YOUR_API_KEY'
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{
       "checkId": "string",
       "riskToken": {
         "sessionKey": "YOUR_SESSION_KEY",
         "userId": "string"
       "activity": {
         "activityType": "LOGIN",
         "timestamp": "2022-03-03T03:24:46.611Z"
       "customer": {
         "customerId": "YOUR_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE",

The response will contain an evaluated risk level for the activity, determined by the rulesets that you have set up in your Sardine account. If the risk level is MEDIUM, HIGH or VERY_HIGH, a Device/Customer Characteristics case will be generated for the activity.

Sample response:
    "frankieId": "fa5d8e32-811a-95f6-c975-638f14340b8b",
    "checkId": "7a87f05c-b903-45a2-9bd5-4124d7cb838f",
    "riskLevel": "HIGH",
    "riskResults": [
            "type": "CUSTOMER",
            "riskLevel": "HIGH",
            "indicators": [
                    "name": "customerPurchaseLevel",
                    "value": "low",
                    "rules": [
                            "id": "120"
                            "id": "124"
                    "name": "historicalLevel",
                    "value": "medium",
                    "rules": [
                            "id": "119"
                    "name": "riskLevel",
                    "value": "high",
                    "rules": [
                            "id": "1159"
    "extraData": null

Step 2: Investigate the activity in the portal

If the check performed in the previous step resulted in a medium or higher risk level, the associated entity will be visible in the Fraud/AML list.
The entity will also be tagged with a Device/Customer issue type.


View entities with fraud or transaction monitoring issues using the portal.

To view details of the case:

  1. Navigate to the Device/Customer Characteristics tab within the entity's profile view. The case will
    be visible in the table titled Needs Attention.
  2. Click the Info button on the case. The case details within Sardine's portal will open in a new browser tab.

View Device/Customer Characteristics cases using the portal.

Step 3: Act on pending cases

To resolve a pending Device/Customer Characteristics case in the FrankieOne portal

  1. Navigate to the case in the portal
  2. Click the Comment button
  3. Set the case's status to Manually Approved if it is a false positive, or Manually Declined otherwise.
  4. Enter a comment in the text box.
  5. Click Save.

The case will disappear from the Needs Attention table, indicating that it has been resolved.


Overwrite Device/Customer Characteristics status using the portal.