Interpreting CheckSummary Results



This method is being phased out.

The following section details how to interpret the results of a /verify check on an entity when the checkType details are specified in full (rather than just using the “profile” option).

Unless there is a specific reason to not do so, please move to using Entity Profiles, rather than running individual checks..

Following on from the article about the contents of a checkSummary

The CheckSummary is formerly the main place to look to determine the current state of an entity,
(It still can be used, but a better service exists from the more structured response in the checkEntityResults section of a response.

The summary resultState is the first field to check. Although the API documentation gives an accurate description of the various states, there are a large number of subtleties that can creep in given the vast array of potential check results possible. With that in mind, the following is a guide to reading the response.

Check state for an individual data point

  • UNCHECKED: Check has not yet been performed.
  • NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested check type or industry function is not supported by this connector.
  • CHECKING: Checks are underway.
  • UNPROCESSABLE: The data supplied was unprocessable.
  • NO_MATCH: All checks were complete as far as possible, no records were found that matched the details supplied. No AML checks would have been run.
  • CHECKED_PARTIAL_SUCCESS: Indicates that we were able to partially match an entity, but not all checks completed.
  • CHECKED_SUCCESS_WITH_NOTES: All checks are complete, but there are some notes (e.g. PEP or sanctions).
  • CHECKED_SUCCESS_CLEAR: All checks are complete, enough details were verified and cleared to ensure that this person meets your KYC/AML requirements. No additional action is required.
  • CHECKED_FAILED: Some checks were attempted, but there was a hard failure along the way and we’ve had to stop.


You should always look to the Action.Recommended KVP flag for a final recommended disposition, especially for CHECKED_PARTIAL_SUCCESS and CHECKED_SUCCESS_WITH_NOTES, just to be sure.

If you receive an Action.Recommended of FAIL or FAIL_MANUAL, you should look at the following:

  • KVP Fail.Reason.* - that will give a basic indication as to why the entity failed.
  • KVP portal.issue.summary - this gives a quick indicator of issues that need attention.
  • KVP Info.*MatchCount - that will tell you how many items matched - use this for partial failures.
  • KVP Important.HasSantions - the individual is marked as sanctioned - you should use the portal to verify these results and set to false or true positive.
  • KVP Important.Duplicate - the individual has been marked as a duplicate. Use the portal tools to confirm or mark as a false positive.
  • KVP Important.Blacklist - the individual has been marked as blacklisted. Use the portal tools to confirm or mark as a false positive.

When the Action.Recommended is “REFER”, you should look at:

  • KVP `Review.Reason.* and KVP portal.issue.summary - as above, these give a brief description of the issues that need addressing.
  • KVP `Risk.Level - the entity might just be too high a risk.
  • KVPs Issue.IsPEP , Issue.OnWatchlist , Issue.HasMedia - indicates that the entity has potential AML issues that need review via the portal.